“Down, girl,” I said pushing past her. I opened up the door and seen Sid standing there with beautiful white flowers. “Awh, Sid!” I said hugging him.
“I thought you’d like these,” he smiled. “How have you been babe?” It’s only been four days since we’ve last seen each other.
“Great, but I missed you,” I said wrapping my arms around him neck and kissed him. It feels so different but amazing.
“I missed you too, baby,” he said steeping inside. “Oh, God, crab is my favorite!” he exclaimed looking at the counter.
“Good,” I laughed. “They’re my favorite too. Have a sit down,” I said pointing to the chairs at the island.
“I’ll have to take you to Joe’s sometime.”
“Ah, I love that place,” I grinned.
“So, how about Army’s having a Christmas party tomorrow, and I need a date,” Sidney said smiling and pulling me in between his legs and wrapping his arms around my waist.
Perfect timing. “I’ll go,” I smiled. As he started to smile and say something, I put my finger over his full lips. “Only if you come to my family’s Christmas party the day after tomorrow,” I grinned.
Sidney chuckled, “You have me sold, Raina.” He placed a kiss on my lips and smacked my butt. “But, you have to agree on something.”
“Common, I already agreed on going to Colby’s!”
“You have to introduce me as your boyfriend.”
My body almost shut down. Sidney Crosby, the face of the NHL just asked me to be his girlfriend. And in the strangest way. I had to say yes. This was the only guy who has changed my life since the most tragic moment ever.
I just nodded my head and smiled, like a bimbo. “I’d love to, Sid,” I finally said.
“Had me worried,” he said just before his lips crashing onto mine. This kiss lifted me off my feet. It was full of love and passion; but mostly love. My heart was open and vulnerable. I couldn’t wait to start my new life with this man.
After dinner, Sidney headed home and told me he’d be over at five to pick me up. Work dragged on forever till then. I flew home and got ready. I curled my hair, fixed my make up, and put on new clothes. Sidney sent me a text and told me to wear something sexy. I could only wonder.
I dug through my closet looking for my sexy Santa outfit. My cousin forced me to wear it last year at her party, so I kept it around just in case. I finally found it and hurried to put it on. I used to feel so comfortable putting things like this on, but now, I felt so awkward and like everyone were staring making rude comments.

Sidney knocked on the door and quickly looked in the mirror making sure I looked good. I opened to door and Sid’s eyes widened. “Wow, you might not make it to the party,” he said warping his arms around my waist and kissing me.
“Well then what’s the point of wearing this?” I asked grinning.
“True, you just have to make all the guys jealous that you’re mine,” he said kissing my check. “Let’s roll.” I locked the door and Sidney walked me to his Range Rover. He helped me across the newly fallen snow and opened my door.
Colby didn’t live that far, so the drive was short. Sidney took my hand and walked inside to Colby’s. “Hey, brah,” Sidney yelled to Colby who was hanging around Mel talking to Max. Mel was in a green elf outfit with her hair curled. There were a whole bunch of other girls I didn’t know dressed up.
“Whoa! Raina, I didn’t know you dressed like that,” Colby said wrapping his arm around my waist.
“Don’t get used to it,” I said rolling my eyes.
“Sid, you mind if I take her for a spin around the block?” he winked.
“Bite me,” I said wiggling out of his grasp. Sidney just chuckled and kissed me. He introduced me to everyone as more people strolled through the door. I went up stairs to go to the bathroom and as I was coming back down, I seen Jordan walking down the hallway. That kid had looks.
I tried to pretend like I didn’t notice him to make it awkward, until he bumped into me. “Oh, sorry, Raina,” he grinned.
“No, it’s my fault, I was kinda zoned out,” I laughed.
Jordan smiled as our eyes connected. He looked up and seen the mistletoe about us. “Well, it’s tradition you know,” he said putting his arm around my waist.
“Funny,” I said trying to push past him. Instead, he gripped tighter and moved into kiss me. I brought my hand up. “Look, Sidney and I a couple now.”
“Golden boy, eh?” he chuckled.
“Yes, Jordan, golden boy,” I mocked. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”
Jordan’s face softened. “I’m sorry, I should have respected you,” he said looking at his feet. “I just believe in luck.” He then walked away. I sighed and walked back to the kitchen where Sidney was talking to a group of girls with Max. Max had his arm around Sidney, laughing with the girls. Sidney was laughing along too, but seemed forced into the conversation.
“Common, Sid! You have all these lovely ladies, and you say you don’t want to be tied down. Crazy, man! Sam, here, would love to spend a night in your bed,” Max said digging him in the side.
Sidney was just rolling his eyes. I walked behind the girls, smiling at Sid. I knew he wasn’t going to fuck me over. He peeked over the girls and smiled. “I’ll make you a deal, Max. If I pick one of these girls, you have to rub Colby’s feet, tonight.”
Sidney told me how Max is always trying to hook him up with some girl. Finally agreeing, would make Max go crazy. “Deal, brah!” he yelled shaking his hand.
Sidney grinned and looked at all the girls. I had no doubt in my mind what was going on. He pushed through them and pushed me against the counter, kissing me hard. “Found my girl,” he said into the kiss.
I giggled, tangling my fingers in his curls. “Not fair!” Max yelled.
“I wore these socks during practice this morning!” Colby yelled, laughing.
“Fuck you, Crosby!”
The next day, I woke up at home with a killer headache. I rolled over and looked at the clock. The day care was closed for Christmas break. It was 12:36 and I was in need aspirin. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I seen Sidney crashed on my couch all stretched out. A smile crept onto my face as I walked to the cabinet.
I walked over to Sid and rubbed his head. “Morning, super star,” I whispered kneeling down.
Sidney’s eyes fluttered opened as he groaned, “Morning.”
I gave him a light kiss and he sat up, pulling me onto his lap. “You could of slept in my bed, silly,” I said cuddling up to him.
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he yawned, playing with my tangled hair.
“You’re my boyfriend, ya know,” I grinned.
Sidney just smiled. We were silent for a good five minutes, a comfortable silence. “You’re so beautiful, Raina,” he said softly.
I just returned the smile. “I’m gonna clean up and shower. You going back home?” I asked standing up.
“Yeah, I’m going to shower there and change. I’ll come back right after,” he said standing and stretching.
“Good deal.” Sidney pulled me into a hug and pressed his lips onto mine. “See ya soon, kiddo,” I said walking him to the door. I walked him to the door and he stole one more kiss. I hurried and cleaned the apartment and jumped into the shower.
I did my hair, makeup and went to pick out clothes. I pulled out an outfit and threw it on.

I texted Sidney to tell him not to get too dressed up. About an hour later I hear a knock at the door. I saw Sidney in a black sweater and jeans. God, his pants fit his just right.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said kissing me.
“Hey, love. What’s up?”
“Nuffin, just waiting to meet my beautiful girlfriend’s family, that’s all.”
“Awh, they have no idea you’re coming. So, be prepared for a freak out,” I laughed.
“I can’t wait!” he said pumping his fists in the air. I giggled as he picked me up. “Why the fuck are you wearing flip flops?!” he asked staring at my feet.
I could hold back a laugh, “Why the fuck aren’t you wearing flip flops?!”
“Because I like feeling in my toes, babe,” he laughed setting me down. “When we leaving?”
I looked at the clock. It was 5 and it started at 6. I figured we’d leave early since it took 40 minutes to get there. “We can leave now, it’s up to you.”
“Sure thing,” he said handing me my coat. We walked to Sidney’s Jag and he opened the door for me as any other time. The car ride was long, but we turned on the radio to listen to Christmas music. “Ah! Mariah Carey!” Sidney yelled. “She’s my favorite,” he grinned.
“She is pretty bomb,” I laughed. Sidney decided to start singing along.
“Baby, all I want for Christmas is you!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need!” He sang me the whole song, and by the end, my checks hurt from laughing.
Every song that came on, we sang together. By the time we got to my parents, we were laughing so hard we couldn’t open the door, or sit up straight. “Common, babe, pull it together!” I said grabbing Sid’s hand.
“Right on captain!” Sidney said getting out. We walked to the door and I rang the door bell and walked in. “I’m nervous,” Sidney said squeezing my hand.
“Don’t be,” I said kissing his cheek. “Mom! Dad! I’m here!” My parents ran to the door and gasped at the sight of Sidney.