Raina Allison Lowstack: Foster child. 17. February 14, 1988. Engaged. 5’6”. Blonde hair, blue eyes. No siblings. Loves watching hockey games, little kids, bonfires, long pointless car rides, and her puppy, Millie. Plays volleyball and has an amazing voice. Has a tattoo of a crown on one hand and a heart on the other by her thumbs.

Justin Zachary Lane: 17. July 29, 1987. Engaged to Raina. 6’4”. Black hair, blue eyes. Brother to Kenny. Loves hockey, reading, nights out on the town, music, and the beach. Plays football and hockey. Few tattoos and gages in his ears.

Ken Sinclair Lane: 16. March 3, 1989. Justin’s brother. 6’. Brown hair, brown eyes. Partier, drinker, smoker, addict, and fuck up. Plays football. Piercings.
Justin met me at my locker after school, and held it open as I grabbed my books. “Ready?” he asked before closing it.
“Yup,” I said holding my books close to my chest. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. “So, what’s the game plan for tomorrow?” I asked, putting on my seatbelt.
“Well, if my test is negative, we’re going to Amy’s party. If not, I doubt I’ll be seeing much of you for a while,” he said starting up the car. “But we don’t have to worry about that.”
I smiled, “Of course.” I checked my phone and texted Carrie. “So, what all happened with that? I couldn’t really understand with your mom bitching in the back,” I said referring to his test.
“Well,” he said taking in a deep breath, “Kenny stole heroin from Matt and hid it in my room because he didn’t want Matt to find it when he came over. My mom was cleaning my room and found the stash in my baseball card collection, and I had no idea it was there. And of course, she didn’t believe me and we had a ‘family meeting’ with Kenny and my dad.”
“What happened with that?”
“My dad flipped, and I swore on my life I didn’t drugs before, and they can test me and Kenny and they’ll see who the real liar is. So, after I drop you off, that’s where I’m headed. And then Kenny’s ass can get in trouble for it.”
“Does Matt know?”
“Fucking Kenny told him I took it. Like what would I do with it?!”
“You’re brother’s a douche,” I said rolling my eyes.
He sighed, “Tell me about it.” Justin pulled into my drive way and gave me a weak smile. “I’ll call you tonight, baby.”
“Kay, see ya, Justin.” I leaned in and gave him a kiss. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Raina.” I just out of the car and ran inside my house. Justin drove away and I smiled. I loved that kid so much. After three years, touching him never gets old. We were actually engaged and planning to get married after college. He was going to become a doctor, and me a teacher. We were perfect for each other and everyone thought the same. No one could take his place in my life, or love me like he did. The ring was the perfect fit, and symbolized our relationship. I flashed it to everyone I met. We’ve been together since our sophomore year, and he proposed about three months ago.
I worked on my homework for about four hours, finishing up a huge project. Then, I worked on helping my mom with dinner for my father. They were my foster parents. My family died when I was about five, and wasn’t adopted till ten into the greatest life. I had an older brother, Seth, but he died along with my parents in a car accident. I was the only one who survived, but I don’t dread on it.
After dinner, I got a call from Justin around nine. “Hey, love,” I said hoping everything turned out well.
“Hey, Raina,” he said happily. “How’s it going, baby?”
“Alright, how’d everything go?”
“Great! Kenny’s in a shit load of trouble, I’m off the hook, and you will be spending the weekend with me!”
“Damn, I was hoping I could sleep with your brother for a change,” I joked.
Justin let out a laugh, “Have fun with the walking, talking STD.”
The next day, I was straightening my hair, and getting ready for Amy’s party. I put on jeans, yellow flip flops, a red and white stripped cami, and a yellow necklace. I checked my make up, and grabbed my cell phone. I ran down the steps, hearing Justin’s car horn beeping. “Bye mom!” I yelled opening the door.
“Bye! Have fun and be careful!”
“Will do,” I called back and ran out the door. I opened up the car door and planted a kiss on Justin’s lips. “Ready?” I asked putting on my seat belt.
“Of course,” he said pulling out of the drive way. It was about nine, and it was pretty dark. Justin had to park down the street from the party, due to little space. “Let’s go, beautiful,” he said taking my hand. “You know what, Raina?”
“What’s that, Justin?”
“You make my life worth living for. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. You make me want to wake up in the morning, and stay up all night. You’re just such a special girl to me.”
“Aw, thanks, baby.” I gave him a kiss and let go of his hand to pull out my phone. I just sent the text to Jay to let him know we were here, when I heard a gunshot. I looked up and seen Justin fly back and hit the ground. He was shot in his stomach and trying hard to get up. “Justin!” I cried, tear forming in my eyes.
“Raina, run,” he breathed. “I love you. Go get help.”
“I’m not leaving you,” I said holding his hand, calling 911. I spoke to the operator was fast as possible to get help on the way. “Justin, baby, everything will be okay. You’ll make it. Trust me,” I said brushing back his black hair. His breathing was slower and he couldn’t say much. Everyone gathered around him in a panic as the ambulance arrived.
“Raina,” he muttered, “I love you so much. You’re my world, sunshine, and happiness. Don’t ever let go of your hopes and dreams.” He took another breath. “I will always look after you, no matter what. I love you baby.” With that, he started t cough up blood, and the paramedics went to work as fast as they could.
I was about to get into the car, and drive to the hospital, but someone grabbed my hand and jerked me away from the car door. “Where do you think you’re going, Raina?” a deep voice hissed in my ear. “You can tell the police every little fact and detail, but remember one thing; he’s dead.”
I looked at him right in the eye. Matt was about six feet tall, foor inches shorter then Justin, but six inches taller than me. His buzzed head, bushy eye brows, and chapped lips were enough for me to look at. “Look, Matt,” I said getting out of his grasp and pulling on his shirt tightly, to get closer in his face, “Justin will live. And if he doesn’t, I’ll make sure that you die. He did nothing to you and you know that. It was Kenny who stole from you. Not Justin!”
He just snickered in my face. “I know that, silly goose. We set Justin up for this. Better luck next time. Hope you find a new love, sweet heart.” With that, he walked away from me with Kenny at his side. I just sobbed and got into the car and drove to the hospital, hoping to see Justin alive.
I stood at the side of his bed, sobbing holding his hand tightly. Justin laid there lifeless, and the nurse came in to escort me out. They were kind enough to let me in, since I was his fiancé. She came in and handed me a paper. “He told me to write this for you. He really loved you, hun,” she said with a smile.
I looked at Justin and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Justin Zachary Lane,” I whispered before walking out of the room. I sat on the floor in the hall way and opened up the note.
I just want you to know how much you mean to me, and I hate that life has its setbacks. I’ll be watching over you, baby. Every day. And don’t hold back from finding love, because I want to see you happy. I can’t express how much I love you, Raina, but I must say you made my life prefect and thank you for all the years of support and care you have given me. This is so hard to say good bye, and I never pictured of it happening this way. I hope Kenny burns in hell for all of this, because I hate to leave you in the world all alone. I love you, Raina. Take care. I’ll meet you there.
Love, Justin.
Aw it's just as sad as the first time I read it. =[