Friday took forever to roll around! I thought I was going to explode from exciting. Why though? I thought I told myself I didn’t want to see anyone else after losing Justin? I think I was having a different outlook on everything after meeting Sidney.
After work, I said good-bye to Mel and headed home. I called Sidney to let him know I was done and finalize our plans. After two rings, he picked up.
“Hello,” he answered in a happy voice.
“Hey, Sid, it’s Raina.”
“I know, silly! How was work?”
“Eh, crazy as always,” I laughed. “So, where are we going again?”
“Well, Max wants me to go to a club, but I really want to take you to dinner. So, it’s your call.”
I took a moment to think. A club’s an easy was to avoid conversation and just have a good time. But also, dinner is a good way to find out if I really want to start over again. “Dinner it is,” I said opening up my heart.
“Awesome. I have the best place to go! It’s pretty laid back.”
I smiled thinking about it. “Alright, well what time should I be ready?”
“How about seven o’clock? I can pick you up?”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you.”
“I want to. No worries.”
I couldn’t stop smiling. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you at seven,” I said after giving him my address.
“I can’t wait! Talk to ya then. Bye Raina.”
“See ya, Sid.” I hung up and jumped into shower. I only had two hours to get ready. I did my hair, makeup, and put on nice clothes.

I brushed my teeth and threw a piece of gum in my mouth. I was petting Millie when I heard a knock at my door. I smiled and got up. “Hey, Sid,” I said giving him a hug as Millie ran over to him and started to beg.
“Hey, Raina, you look great,” he said smiling and bending down to pet Millie.
“Thanks. Millie, get away from Sidney! I’m sure those pants weren’t cheep.”
Sidney laughed. “Don’t worry about it. Cute dog,” he said petting her. “What kind is she?”
“A Pomeranian, she only about four years-old,” I said grabbing my purse.

“Well, she seems well trained for a little dog.”
I laughed, “Thanks, normally she’s not sniffing people are ten minutes when they first come in.” Sid chuckled and stood up, brushing the fur off of him. “Oh, I’m sorry, Sid,” I said noticing the fur. “I’ll get you a lint brush. What did I tell you, Millie?” I said staring at the dog.
Sidney just laughed. “Raina, it’s fine,” he said grabbing my hand. “Let’s just go.”
I relaxed a bit and smiled. We walked out of the apartment, I locked the door, and we headed outside. “So, where are we going?” I asked curiously as we walked down the steps.
“It’s a small restaurant in Southside. Do you like sushi?”
I nodded, “Love it.”
It was a comfortable silence and Sidney reached for his iPod. “Wanna pick out some music?” he asked handing it to me.
“Sure,” I smiled taking it from him. I frowned looking at all the country music. “Come on, Sid,” I said rolling my eyes, “you have to have something good on here.”
“What? You don’t like my music?” he asked disappointed.
I just looked at him with a serious face before saying, “No.”
“Well, I have Three Days Grace on there. I know you like them,” he said smiling. The ride wasn’t too long till we reached South Side. Sidney parked on the street not too far from the place. “Ready?” he asked shutting off the car.
I looked outside and shook my head. “Nah, I rather just chill in here,” I said sarcastically. Sidney rolled his eyes with a chuckle. I got out of the car and he led me up the side walk. He opened the door for me and we were seated in a booth. “This place is pretty cool,” I said looking around.
“You’ve never been here before?” Sid asked looking at menu.
“Nope,” I said taking off my coat. The waitress came over ask what we’d like to drink. Sidney ordered water and I got myself a coke. “So, how do you like Pittsburgh?” I asked as she walked away.
“It’s amazing. I can’t imagine a more beautiful city to live in with such great people. Have you lived here your whole life?”
“Pretty much,” I said as the waitress came back with our drinks. She gave Sidney a wink and strutted off looking back at him. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“What?” Sidney asked with a chuckle.
“Do girls always throw themselves out there for you?”
“No, you haven’t yet,” he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. A guy walked over to Sidney, and he was someone from the team, I just couldn’t remember who.
“Hey, Darryl!” he said slapping Sid on the back. “Ah, I see you got a little date going on,” he said giving me a wink.
“Uh, yeah, Max. Can I help ya?” Sidney said looking up at him.
“Well, I came in here to get Gronk, but since I seen my buds here, I thought I’d come say hello. So, hello!” he said in a French accent.
“Well, hello, Maxime. Are you two going to Diesel?” Sidney asked as ‘Gronk’ walked over.
“Yup, are you two up for it, after eating?” Max asked, staring at me.
“No, thanks, Max,” Sidney said, getting annoyed.
“Whatever, golden boy,” he laughed. “See you tomorrow!”
The two guys left and Sidney sighed. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t plan for him to be in here.”
I just smiled and nodded. “It’s cool. So, where’s your next game?”
“Edmonton,” he said with a huge smile. “It’s my first time playing in western Canada in the NHL.”
I couldn’t help but be happy for him. “Well, I wish you the best of luck, Sid,” I said smiling.
“Thanks. The media’s going to be crazy though,” he said as the waitress came back to take out order. After ordering, Sidney continued. “Everyone’s really crazy up there about meeting me. I don’t think much of myself, but apparently, they do,” he said taking a drink of water.
“Where all are you playing at?” I asked feeling my phone start to buzz.
“After Edmonton, we’re going to Calgary, and then Van Cover.”
“That’s awesome!” My phone started ringing again. “Sidney, I’m really sorry but I have to take this call.”
“Ooh, no problem,” he said as I got up.
I walked into the bathroom answering my phone. “Hello,” I said seeing it was my mom.
“Raina, dear, how are you?”
“Mom, I’m kind of out on a date thing.”
“What?!” my mom shouted into the phone.
“Yeah, is this important?”
“Well, not really. I just want to see if we could come out this weekend with your cousins.”
“Ooh, sure. Whatever, I have to go, mom. I’m sorry.”
“Well, you better call me after this!”
“Yeah, yeah, mom. Love you. Bye.” I hung up and rolled my eyes. I walked back to my seat, seeing Sidney talking to a group of girls around him. “Excuse me,” I said pushing passed one to get to my seat.
“Hey, Raina,” Sidney smiled. “Well, it was nice meeting you ladies,” he said politely.
“Same to you, Sid!” they yelled hugging him. They walked away and I started giggling to myself.
“Sorry about that,” he said as our food came.
“It’s chill. That’s your job. This show looks amazing,” I said getting away from the conversation.
“Sure does,” he said taking a bite.
“So, where are you from, Sid?” I wanted to know more about the kid. Something was telling me go for it. Love is blind, I guess.
“Halifax, Nova Scotia. It’s in Canada.”
“Go figure. How long have you been playing hockey?”
“I think I learned how to put on a pair of skates before shoes,” he laughed. “I learned how to skate as soon as I learned how to walk.”
“That’s awesome. I used to play for fun in high school.”
“Sweet, are ya any good?”
“No way,” I laughed. “So, how old are you?”
“Twenty-one, you?”
“I’ll be twenty in January.”
“So, what made you want to work with kids?”
“I’m not too sure, honestly. I always loved kids, and baby sat all the time. They’re just so fun and always keep you smiling. Sure, they can be frustrating, but they’re a bundle of joy. You said you help with kids in hockey, right?”
“Yeah, I’m starting an organization for kids who can’t afford it. I’m hoping it get it going by next season. Maybe I can start it off with some of the kids in your day care,” he said smiling.
“I think that’d be the coolest thing ever, Sid,” I said smiling. By this time, I was getting stuffed.
“Desert?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Are you trying to make me fat, Crosby?” I shot back at him.
“That’s how I like my women!” he said laughing. The waitress came back and handed us a check.
“Can we get se-“
“Here you go,” Sidney said cutting me off and handing the girl money. “Keep the change as a tip.”
“Thank you, sir,” she said smiling.
“Sidney,” I hissed. “I can pay for myself!”
“So? I offered to take you out. So, I pay for the dinner,” he smiled, putting on his coat.
I shook my head and did the same. We walked outside and snow covered the whole place. We walked down the street and went to walk across. Sidney grabbed my hand, seeing a big sheet of ice. “Since you’re not the best hockey player, I better help ya out,” he laughed.
“Fuck you.” We both laughed and kept walking. We got back to Sidney’s Range Rover and he opened the door for me. He got inside and turn on the car and heat full blast. He looked over at me and smiled. “What?” I blushed.
“Nothing,” he said putting on his belt and pulling out of the spot. “So, do have work tomorrow?”
“Nope, thank God,” I sighed. “What time’s your flight?”
“Eight. Blah!” he said sticking out his tongue. “So, did you like the game the other night?”
“I fucking loved it!” I said smiling. “I can’t believe you put us in the same room as Mario!”
Sidney smiled, “Well, my parents have seats in there, and anytime they don’t come, I have them sitting around. So, why not give them to a beautiful girl.” I blushed and looked out the window. “Mario said he had a blast. He was telling me how much fun you two were.”
“Really, that’s awesome!” I said smiling.
“Yeah, he said I should invite you more often.” I couldn’t help but smile, which wasn’t anything different from what I did when I was around him. Sidney got back to my apartment and walked me in. “Thanks for going out with me this evening, Raina. I really enjoyed your company.”
I smiled and as he held my hand. “Thanks for taking me out. I know I’m an extremely lucky girl,” I said, stepping closer to him.
“I’m a lucky guy,” he said smoothly. “Can I call you tomorrow after meetings and stuff? I’m gonna need to talk to someone to wind down,” he smiled.
“Of course you can.” Sidney got a little close to me stared at me. I panicked. “Well, I better let you go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
I could see him face drop a bit. “Okay. Good night, Raina.” He hugged me and waved bye.
“Night, Sid.” I opened the door and quickly shut it. I slid to the floor and leaned against the door. Millie ran over to me and licked my hand. How can I look past my past and get my heart out there again?
As always great chapter!!! I really hope that she can find a way to open up to Sid, he's such a sweet guy. And maybe if he knew about her past it would be a little easier for both of them.